Deeper insights from customers, with
AI-powered interviews
Scale your ability to get much richer, qualitative information at scale.
Have 1000s of conversations instead of a handful.
Deeper insights than forms and surveys
Scalably, and easily reach your target audience
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Interview questions tailored to each person
Asks follow-up questions based on previous answers
Handle coundless interviews at the same time
Don't waste time on scheduling interview calls
Deeper understanding through customized conversations.
Quickly setup interviews that aretailored to your company
Point us to your website, and use the AI interview assistant to automatically generate relevant interviews.
Let every conversation be unique withpersonalized questions
Unlike forms, your AI interviewer ensures no answer is left behind, engaging in more natural conversations to extract detailed information.
Unlock instant insights with
AI-powered analysis.
Let AI analyze your interviews, and get structured data instantly. Get a better sense of the big picture by having more conversations.
Automatictrend spotting
Spot recurring themes across all the conversations
We made an enjoyable voice-first intervew experience, where people are liklely to tell you more than they would type.
Transcripts are like new piece of content that are really interesting to digest. Keep them private, or use it as a new form of content creation.
Output formatsbeyond text
Our interviews can be set up to capture structured data in the output format of your choice, whether that is data ready to export into a CRM, or process diagrams of peoples workflows.
Ready to use templates
Discover a new dimension of user feedback, much more in-depth than forms.
Process Improvement
Understand jobs to be done and areas for improvement
Try interview
Validate your target market and their problems (this is an example for customer research)
Try interview
Customer Satisfaction
Understand customer pain points around your product
Try interview
Research & Journalism
Research interesting trends in AI
Try interview
Setup an interview, use it anywhere.
Share a link
Get a custom link to your AI interview and share it anywhere, making it easy for users to access the experience with a single click.
Integrate into existing platforms or applications to use the AI Interviewer's capabilities seamlessly within familiar environments.
In your product
Launch engaging interviews in-app to collect more suitable user feedback in real-time and enhance your product's relevancy and utility.
Go beyond traditional forms.
Discover a new dimension of user feedback, much more in-depth than forms.
Traditionl Forms
Standardized -  Designed to apply universally to a broad group of people. Every form is cookie-cutter and looks exactly the same.
Static -  Forms are not curious. Its hard to set up manual workflows that follow-up and consider every case that might come up.
Text based -  People are less likely to type lengthy answers, which is why voice unlocks more insights
Static responses -  You get answers only to the exact questions asked. Often there are incomplete responses, and limited analytics and insights across responses.
Does not improve over time -  Forms get set up once - they don not evolve based on feedback, and they do not think of better questions to ask each time
Personalized -  The conversation adapts and personalizes to each person based on their unique profile and responses
Dynamic -  The AI keeps going and asking more follow-up questions until the needed information is obtained.
Voice conversations -  People are more likey to share in-depth responses when having a natural-feeling voice based conversation
Instant summaries and insights -  We leverage state of the art AI to scan all your conversations and extract the trends and structured information you need.
Continuous learning -  Coach your interviewer on what areas you want it to follow up on and learn more about over time, the way you would a human researcher
your listening capacity.
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© 2023 Toolkit AI, Inc.